
Dear colleagues,

It’s a new financial year, to thank all management hard work for the first half year of 2023. We are exciting to anouce that we are going to have a middle year management dinner in this month! , but before we do that , we need to draw attention to some work which need to be done in July.


  1. Pls check the visas conditions for all non-citizen employees, Due 2nd July;
  2. All workers need to finish DoFoodSafely online.
  3. All staffs must wear black color, or our uniforms to work in the shop. please ask them to remove the watch or rings and tie thier hair.
  4. Pls educate staffs about the cleaning requirement on the first day, to develop a good habit.



  1. we will increase menu price, target 10th July. Glen Emporium and Eastland will all participate, please note eastland menu is different to others. Please require marketing matierials and Orderbuddy system settings in Group;
  2. From last audit Fired chicken shelf life is a problem for all of our outlest, please explore to solve the problem, Miko will assit on experience and knowledge;
  3. Our google review for free small snack will keep going;
  4. OMI the glen 4.3
  5. OMI emporium 4.1
  6. OMI eastland 4.1
  7. LHS the glen 4.2
  8. Ramen promotion ends, please change the price accordingly;


  1. LHS will increase price target 10th July, same price to Doncaster;
  2. MIx rice launching, promotions ends 2 weeks later at 16th July;
  3. Pls change back Sim card at 3rd July, and cancel the temperary card in potarl.


  1. for middle year management dinner, target late July, can invite the staff with potential to join us.
  2. for July management meeting , please sechedule time with me, thanks


又是一个新的财年了,我们Taiyou management 走到了第2个年头,我们按计划将要在本月举办年中管理层聚餐;在聚会之前,我们还有一些工作需要完成,为了防止遗漏,请大家仔细阅读并作出相应安排,谢谢大家。


1. 请检查所有员工是否有合法留澳签证,并登记签证种类和到期日期汇总,对没有签证的申请者我们将来只能婉言谢绝;

2. 所有员工入职需要完成DoFoodSafely小测验,拿到Certificate;

3. 所有员工上班请提醒他们必须穿黑色或者工服上班,也请通知厨房人员,不要戴手表和戒指,并且扎起头发;

4. 请在员工入职第一天就反复强调卫生的做法,统一按照最高标准来,养成习惯;


1. 所有OMI门店将会在7月10日开始涨价,请注意EASTLAND的菜单有所不同,请提前在群里向总部索取新菜单并设置Orderbuddy价格;

2. 总部审计发现我们的炸鸡储存时间过长的问题,标签标注不及时,请根据各店备货量做出相应改变,MIKO可以远程提供建议,改好后我们会随机抽查;

3. Google review的活动将继续,目标4.5分;
OMI the glen 4.3
OMI emporium 4.1
OMI eastland 4.1
LHS the glen 4.2

4. 拉面的促销价格结束,请检查前台展示材料、大屏幕和系统价格。


1. LHS也会在7月10日涨价,价格和DONCASTER一样;
2. Mix rice促销持续到7月16日;
3. 请注意在7月3日更换Internet卡并取消临时卡套餐;


  1. 7月例会请约时间请与我约时间;
  2. 年中管理层聚餐预计在7月尾,可以邀请比较想培养的员工参加 。




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